Depuis tout petit, j’ai eu la chance de cohabiter avec plusieurs milieux naturels : construction de cabanes dans un grand jardin, découverte de l’océan, observation de la diversité des animaux, insectes, poissons. Au fil du temps, la curiosité c’est transformée en inquiétude pour la fragilité du vivant, et même en grande préoccupation devant la violence des destructions qui menacent la pérennité de nombreux écosystèmes.
Write comment (0 Comments)Hi, I am Vanessa Robitzch, and my Ocean Attitude relies on being conscious.
I pursue to be aware of the consequences of every action I take and decision I make. From when I brush my teeth to when I cook a certain meal or the destination when I need to hop into my car. I believe we have the responsibility to be knowledgeable about the results of our undertakings, no matter how small or big.
Write comment (0 Comments)Les plastiques ont beaucoup de qualités (inerties chimique et biologique, durabilité, adaptabilité, légèreté, capacité à être isolants thermiquement et électriquement, prix, etc.). Toutes ces qualités ont fait que les plastiques se sont énormément développés dans les secteurs de l'emballage, des transports, du bâtiment, du sport, du médical ou des produits d'hygiène. Hélas, ces développements importants sont accompagnés d'une gestion irrationnelle des plastiques, sans aucune régulation. Write comment (0 Comments)
My name is Brooke Muggia. I’m a mother of four, Co-Founder of ProjectMe, and an environmental activist. For the past 13 years, I have had the opportunity to travel to many environmentally-vital oceanic areas around the world including the Great Barrier Reef, the Maldives, Tahiti, Fiji, and The Bahamas where my family and I have worked with locals to listen and help respond to environmental needs.
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It was an honor to be the first Saudi female to sail on Figaro 3 'Ocean Attitude', having Marie-Laure Boulot [owner of the sailing boat] on board, and the distinguished international skipper Franck Cammas, as well as Jacques Vapillon, a famous marine photographer. I feel overwhelmed and lucky to have experienced this breathtaking sailing trip in 25 knots of wind! What an adventure... I was speechless! I literally fulfilled a dream.
Write comment (0 Comments)Understanding the importance of ocean and what it provides us would make each one of us take care of it by means of being aware of our own actions that might give a harmful effect to it. Just by knowing how it gives us our daily needs, jobs to people and what might happen to us if we will not take care of our ocean is terrifying enough to not make it as one of our priorities to make sure that it is well taken care of. Let’s love our ocean, protect our resources and spread awareness.
Write comment (0 Comments)Je suis passé hier devant une des vitrines du BHV à Paris et j'y ai vu cette mise en scène qui visait à rendre attrayante la noyade des océans dans le plastique. Cette réutilisation des contenants en plastique pour en faire un décor attractif, ludique et attirant me paraît bien coupable.
Write comment (1 Comment)The 8th of August marked my 29th year around the sun, and also the start of a new social experiment. After researching, interviewing, editing, and writing about fast fashion for my Central Saint Martins, University of The Arts London and Birkbeck, University of London MBA thesis, I've decided to try to go 365 days without purchasing any articles of clothing, accessories, or shoes.
Write comment (0 Comments)While studying their PhD in Environmental Sciences and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia, Luisa Javier and Sandra Medina, engineers from Mexico and Colombia created WAYAKIT, the laundry solution for travelers.
The laundry process involves the use of water, electricity, tons of toxic chemicals, and process time. There has not been a more environmentally friendly innovation that substitutes the invention of the washing machine since 1858. Maybe the idea sounds a bit crazy but, can you conceive in your mind a waterless laundry solution?
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